Act promptly, while exercising sound, objective and consistent
judgment, in making underwriting decisions.
Follow established risk classification principles that differentiate
fairly on the basis of sound actuarial principles and/or reasonably
anticipated mortality or morbidity experience.
Treat all underwriting information with the utmost confidentiality
and use it only for the express purpose of evaluating and
classifying the risk.
Comply with the letter and spirit of all insurance legislation and
regulations, particularly as they apply to risk classification,
privacy and disclosure.
Avoid any underwriting action which is in conflict with the
obligation to act independently and without bias.
Act responsibly as an employee with scrupulous attention to the
mutual trust required in an employer/employee relationship.
Provide information and support to sales personnel to help them to
fulfill their field underwriting responsibilities in selecting risks
and submitting underwriting information.
Strive to attain Fellowship in the Academy of Life Underwriting,
maintain a high level of professional competency through continued
education, and help promote the further education of all
Maintain the dignity and sound reputation of the Underwriting
Increase the public’s understanding of underwriting by providing
information about risk classification.